How To Treat Acne Scarring?

Dr Conlon frequently uses Dermaroller™ for removal of acne scarring along with treating surgical scars, chicken pox scars, pitting of the skin, burns, scalds and much more. Scars could also be called ‘dead skin’ – your body has assumed that the healing process is finished in these areas and the scarring or pitting is caused by a lack of collagen. The Dermaroller™ medical device penetrates the scar with thousands of tiny micro-needles.

Dr Conlon - Acne Scars

This causes a response called ‘inflammation’. This is the body’s healing response, and allows it to naturally repair and regenerate, forming its own fresh collagen from deep within the dermis and new skin cells. By using the Dermaroller on scar tissue the scar is stimulated and the body is tricked into continuing the healing process on a physical level, making the scars even out, become much less noticeable and disappear all together.

For more medical information on Acne Scarring, please click here
